The “common cold” or acute nasopharyngitis/upper respiratory infection is the most common infectious condition to afflict children. Issues arise when its frequency and intensity increase, potentially leading to complications. Children, in general, tend to be more affected by the common cold than adults, with the virus reaching the sinuses, middle ear and nasopharynx.

Signs and symptoms to look for in children include: fever, irritability, sneezing, restlessness, sinusitis, general discomfort, loss of appetite and headaches. Keep in mind that children less than 3 months may not have a fever that accompanies their cold.

What can a parent do at home?

It oftens helps to have the child avoid dairy and sugar for the duration of their cold since they may increase the production of inflammation and worsen the symptoms. Adding apple cider vinegar to the child’s humidifier (ratio of 1:2 parts water) may also help moisten the sinuses and improve breathing. Supplementing vitamin C can help boost the immune system and help the child recover more quickly or reduce some of the symptoms. Remember that our body temperature naturally increases in the evening and so this should not be mistaken for a fever. Mild fevers are the body’s way of naturally fighting off infections and should be left alone, for the most part (there are always exceptions).

Chiropractic care is a great way to boost your child’s immune system naturally by allowing the brain to properly communicate with all the body’s organs and systems. When a cough accompanies the cold, it is not uncommon for the mid-back to become misaligned and cause increased discomfort in the child.

If your child is sick, get them adjusted and let the body heal itself from the inside!

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