What is Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)?
For starters, it stands for dynamic neuromuscular stabilization. It consists of protocols based on the teachings and treatment programs of Dr. Pavel Kolar and Dr. Karel Lewit, the father of manual medicine. The exercises and positions are derived from developmental kinesiology, the way we develop in the first year of life. By using these positions that the body has been in the past, and in fact developed through, we can essentially hit “control-alt-delete” on the brain and re-train movement patterns and joint stabilization. The goal is to put the body back in these developmental positions to optimize joint position and activate all the right muscles around those joints. There is also an emphasis on diaphragmatic respiration (“belly breathing”) and creating intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) for core and pelvic floor stability.
Rather, these concepts are actually the building blocks for each of the developmental positions. The goal is to teach the brain how to activate the proper stereotype of movement and stabilization. The combination of joint manipulation and DNS exercises is extremely powerful for the overall function of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems.
DNS serves as another functional tool in the treatment belt for providing world-class care. This functional triage approach to evaluation and management of neuromusculoskeletal cases includes observing and feeling movement patterns, joints and soft tissues to determine the best route to take in treatment on a visit-by-visit basis.
First DNS Certified Exercise Trainer in the State of Montana
Dr. Forrest Allen, Certified Sports Chiropractor at Pro Chiropractic in Bozeman and Belgrade, MT, recently passed the examination to become a Certified DNS Exercise Trainer (DNSET).
If you have any questions about the DNS approach to stabilization and rehab, or any of the other treatment Dr. Allen offers, please don’t hesitate to contact Pro Chiropractic at (406) 219-2462.